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Based in the heart of Silicon Valley, Violumas, the UV division of Flip Chip Opto under Cofan Group, is known as a supplier for full-service UV LED products and solutions. Their patented 3-Pad Flip Chip technology allows them to engage in UV technologies and applications with more powerful and reliable solutions. Violumas provides the products from chip, package to modules in UV-A, UV-B and UV-C range (405 to 265 nm) and expertise in optical, mechanical and thermal design.
LEDinside was very honored to have a face to face interview with Saya Han from Violumas and Tim Ho from Cofan Taiwan on October 30, 2018 to talk about their insights towards UV LED market and their future targets.
(Saya Han, Violumas)
Han first introduced the history of Violumas, started from Flip Chip Opto, with expertise in semiconductors, electro-optics, material science, bonding engineering, thermal management and luminaire systems, to produce the world’s most powerful COB LEDs. It is the home of the patented 3-Pad Flip Chip technology, a collaboration with Cofan PCB division’s super pillar MCPCB.
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