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Ice cream is a treat any time of year but in the summer it’s pure joy. But before you pop a tub of ice cream in your shopping trolley, check out the ingredients. If you’d rather skip the stabilisers, emulsifiers and other mystery ingredients found in commercial ice creams, then maybe it’s time to make your own. With the help of an electric ice cream maker it’s easy. But how do you choose an ice cream maker that’s right for you?
Electric ice cream makers are roughly divided into two categories: machines where you freeze the bowl in advance and machines with built-in freezer units. A bowl machine is more compact but it is essential that the bowl is fully frozen or it simply won’t work. As you place the bowl in the freezer you’ll hear liquid sloshing around inside its walls. You know it’s ready to use when it’s frozen solid.
The pros of a bowl machine are size – since they’re smaller they’re easier to stow away when they’re not in use. They’re also less expensive – if you’re a novice you might want to start with one of these before splashing out on a built-in freezer model. But do check the product specifications to ensure that the bowl will fit inside your freezer.

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